What is your body telling you?

The Winter Solstice on December 21st marks a time to go into the darkness, into the womb within.

That also means to be more still. It is not just for 3 days until the light comes back on the 25th but a season. 

Most of the western world may have forgotten our roots and the earths signals in nature during this season. 

We are busy shopping, buying gifts, many start making New Years resolutions to lose weight and make big goals outside of themselves, instead of using this time to restore within. 

Maybe we can take some clues from nature… 

🐻The bears go into a cave and hibernate.

🌳The trees drop their leaves, go dormant restore and rebuild for growth to come. 

This season of Winter is a time of rest, restore and to take time to dream the future. 

Don't get down on yourself & feel like you need to do more, or accomplish more right now. You don’t. There will be plenty of time to ‘DO’ all the stuff in the season ahead in Spring when nature comes back to life. 

These questions in the pictures posted are intentionally created for self reflection, to take time to go inside, observe and feel in your new year. 

Give yourself permission to stop and ask especially today on the new moon and set some intentions. 

🌚 Do I trust my body? (Take a moment and really ask yourself if you trust if you give it what it needs it will do what you need it to do being mindful of it?)

🌚 Does my body trust me? (Not sure if we ask this question often enough.  If we aren’t taking care of our body, how can it truly trust us for it to run properly?)

🌚 Do I listen to my body? (We rented out these bodies in this lifetime, it is here to teach us and talk to us and do what we need them to do to be productive and serve others, maybe we can take more time to listen to its promptings for good for it to keep running on point?)

🌚 What is my body trying to tell me? (There are so many ways our body responds.  It generally starts spiritually or emotionally and then if we don’t pick up those signals it goes into a physical ailment if we aren’t listening to it. Naturally if we feed ourselves healthy, good foods, listen to high vibe music, etc…there is a positive result like strength, energy or great a great mood.  Sometimes we expect way too much from it and it starts to breakdown…listen to the feedback.)

What is one way you are going to take time for yourself this season to listen to your body? 

✨Light a candle, sit with yourself, ask and listen for the answers. 

🍎Eat foods with high nutrients for dinner tonight. 

🧘Stretch and allow your body to move where it wants to move without watching someone else telling you what to do:)

*You may have positive results! You are divine and more powerful than you may know!❤️



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